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All information about ESE’s parent and child lists is in H:\ese_administration\Lyris_Dictionary.xls.

Logging In

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your onyen and password.
  3. Click “List Manager” on the left.
  4. Click “Log in” on the left.
  5. Choose “List Administrators.”
  6. Log in using the username and password in the excel spreadsheet.

Adding Members

  1. Start by going to the list you want to add members to. You can switch lists at any time by clicking on the list name in the very upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Click “Members” in the left menu.
  3. If you hover over the “Add Members” option, there are four options. You can find details about those options in the Help files.
  4. If you want to add one person to multiple lists:
    1. Add them to one list first if they are not already members of one.
    2. Go to “View Members” under the Members menu.
    3. Find them in that list or click “Find Members” on the right above the list of members to search for them. (Be sure to toggle the search to “All Your Lists”)
    4. On the right of their listing, you should see “Copy | Delete | History”. Click “Copy.” This allows you to copy their membership into any other lists. (Select multiple lists by holding down Ctrl and Click.)

Deleting Members

  1. Start by going to the list you want to delete members from. You can switch lists at any time by clicking on the list name in the very upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Click “View Members” in the left menu.
  3. Click “Find Members” on the right above the list.
  4. You may search based on email address or name. Pay attention to your search options.
  5. If you want to delete someone from multiple lists at once, choose the “All Your Lists” option.
  6. In the results screen, find the person you want to remove. Choose Delete from the options on the right.
  7. If you want to delete all the results, that option is at the upper right of the results screen. Please double-check the entire list of results first.