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What It’s For

Cash advances are loans to employees. Employees can then use the money to pay for goods and services that cannot be purchased in any other way. The most common examples in ESE are gift cards for study subjects and non-travel expenses anticipated for long international trips.

The money is requested via voucher and deposited into the recipient’s bank account.


July 2023: OSR and non-OSR funding now use different forms

The University’s written policies on this are straightforward and link to all the required documents. The person receiving the money (usually the PI) should complete as much of the documentation as they can and submit it to their account tech. The account tech should double-check all documentation before sending it to the voucher creator.

OSR funds: Office of Sponsored Programs – 500.14, Procedure 1 – Cash Advance Requests & Reconciliations
Non-OSR funds: 307.1 – Requesting, Reconciling, and Settling Cash Advance

Voucher Details

OSR funds: Use account code 559510

Trust funds: Use account code 113920

F&A or State funds: The initial voucher must go on a trust fund. The account tech will need to reconcile the advance to the correct fund.

When using 113920, the voucher will ask for “OpenItem” – you will find this field by scrolling all the way to the right of the chartfields. Use the vendor ID here.

Filing (Account Manager)

Hold unsettled cash advances in a pending folder. Save electronic copies in secure/ese_fiscal_office/Cash Advance/Cash Advance pending.

File settled cash advances in the appropriate CFS folder.