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All desktop and laptop purchasing should go through Jason Pruszko, our IT person. Other admin staff can only purchase things like software and small accessories (mice, hard drives).


  1. Make sure you know what OS the software is intended for.
  2. Check Software Acquisition to see if UNC already owns a license for the requested software.
  3. If it does, you can order it via BuyCarolina. It is listed under Additional Stores as “Software Acquisition.” Using the regular search bar will not work; you must go to the actual Software store.
  4. Otherwise, you can order software via the pcard from any commercial site.
  5. If a request involves allowing multiple computers or users to access the software, consult Jason Pruszko.

Hardware Accessories

Most of the things someone might need can be found via BuyCarolina, either via Lenovo, CDWG, Staples, or Amazon. Note that anything bought through BuyCarolina is considered university/department property no matter what funds are used.