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  1. Poster must be on a flash drive or other portable media, and the file must be a PDF.
  2. If the computer is asleep, wake it up. Log in and plug in the flash drive.
  3. Determine poster size. In Acrobat, check File->Properties. Note the dimensions exactly.
  4. Go to “Print” and select “Properties.”
  5. Under the Paper/Quality tab, click the “Custom” button. Enter the shorter of the poster’s dimensions as the width and the longer as the height/length. Click “Save” to override the old settings.
    • Only use the file’s actual dimensions as determined in step 3.
    • Orientation doesn’t matter for this purpose.
  6. Set Orientation to match the poster.
  7. If the poster needs to be larger or smaller, go to the “Features” tab and adjust accordingly. In the upper right corner under the visual diagram, the “Printed on” notation will show the size of the final product.
  8. Click “OK” to exit properties.
  9. Make sure either “Fit” or “Shrink oversized pages” is checked to prevent the printer from cutting off the edges of the poster.
  10. Print.


Some posters take a very long time to “flatten”. If a poster starts to print before all the data has gone through, cancel the print job with the orange X.


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